How Do Auto Accident Claims Work in Bozeman, MT?

It’s inevitable that if you spend enough time driving around in a car (and are distracted by smartphones), an accident might occur. For example, in Montana, 75% of adults report always wearing a seatbelt and 55% of teenagers report texting and driving (on average). All this is the perfect recipe for a disaster occurring on the road… read more

How to file a Car Insurance Claim in Montana

About three million people in the U.S. are injured yearly in car accidents. If you’ve been in a car accident, you might wonder about the next steps for insurance. How do you file a car insurance claim, and where should you begin? While it might seem intimidating to know where to start, there are ways to help…. read more

Who Can be Held Liable for a Truck Accident?

Road traffic accidents involving large trucks account for around 5,000 deaths in the United States each year, according to the National Safety Council. Many more people sustain injuries as a result of these collisions, including many who receive life-changing injuries. If you or someone you love has been involved in a truck accident, you may be entitled to… read more

Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect, Everything You Need to Know

Did you know that 40% of American nursing home residents have reported abuse? Nursing home neglect and abuse is a serious problem. Vulnerable older people are being harmed by the very people we trust to look after them. If you’ve witnessed signs of abuse in a nursing home, you should act now and protect your loved ones…. read more

What does a Montana wrongful death attorney do?

Losing a loved one in death is one of the most difficult experiences any of us will have to endure. However, when another person’s negligence or recklessness caused the death, it’s an even more bitter pill to swallow. According to the CDC, more than 200,000 Americans lost their lives due to unintentional injuries in 2020. Behind each… read more

A Guide to Hiring the Best Montana Auto Accident Lawyer

Every year, many people are injured in auto accidents on Montana roads. Tragically, in 2021, 240 people lost their lives in these accidents. If you have been injured or lost a loved one in such an accident, we understand the pain you must be going through. At this time, you need the best auto accident lawyer available… read more

Is There a Lawsuit Against Tylenol for Autism and ADHD?

There is a 20-30% increased risk of developing neurodevelopmental disorders when pregnant women use acetaminophen. Mounting evidence suggests that acetaminophen, also known as paracetamol, may be linked to behavioral problems in children. These problems include ADHD and autism. There is an ongoing lawsuit against the company that makes acetaminophen, Johnson and Johnson. So is there a link… read more

What to Know about a Trial Attorney

You can’t shake the sound of the crashing metal and glass that rang out when another speeding motorist crashed into you earlier today. Your car is totaled. And you’re now in pain. You’re not the only facing this situation. Research shows that 20 million to 50 million people suffer injuries from car accidents every year. And many… read more

Growing concerns about the safety of Interstate 90

Every day, thousands of drivers travel across Montana on Interstate 90 (I-90), the east-west interstate highway that cuts through Missoula, Butte, Bozeman and Billings. Many of these drivers are well aware of the road’s poor conditions and have cited their growing concerns. State officials are quite aware of these concerns, reporting 30 deaths on Montana’s… read more

What to Look for When Hiring a Montana Truck Accident Lawyer

If you’re injured in a Montana truck accident, you need the best legal team by your side. An attorney can help you fight for your rights, so you can receive the compensation you need to heal. However, there’s a lot to consider in the aftermath of the crash. You may have injuries to attend to,… read more